Firefighters Needed Recruitment and Community Outreach Programs

volunteer firefighter brochure flyer turn out gear

There has been a significant decline in the number of volunteer firefighters, specifically in young firefighters. According to the National Volunteer Fire Council, Volunteer firefighters comprise 69% of all firefighters in the United States.


This shortage in volunteer firefighters threatens the ability for small and rural fire departments to provide the essential public service.


Helping volunteer fire companies with community outreach programs since 2006.

I built the website in 2006 and began providing volunteer firefighter recruitment and community outreach material and programs in 2008.

Today I produce cost effective and high quality media and marketing products to help fire companies recruit volunteers in their communities. I’m located in Mullica Hill in Southern New Jersey and have produced media for clients all over the US and Canada.


Volunteer firefighters save localities across the country an estimated $1.39 billion per year.

From the NFPA, The Total Cost of Fire in the United States, 2014.

volunteer firefighter brochure salem county firefighters needed

Past And Current Clients

  • Ben Avon Volunteer Fire Company – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

  • Baroda Fire Department – Baroda, Michigan

  • Camp Hill Volunteer Fire Department – Camp Hill, Pennsylvania

  • Capital City Fire & Rescue – Juneau, Alaska

  • County Office of Emergency Services, Saratoga Springs, New York

  • Salem County Fire Academy – Woodstown, New Jersey

  • Maugansville Goodwill Volunteer Fire Department – Maugansville, Maryland

  • Creston Fire Department – Kalispell, Montana

  • Chilliwack River Valley Fire Department – British Columbia, Canada

  • Eastaboga Volunteer Fire Department – Eastaboga, Alabama

  • Grant County Fire District 3 – Quincy, Washington

  • Charlottetown Fire Department, Charlottetown – Prince Edward Island, Canada

  • Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District – Sacramento, California

  • East Prospect Fire Company – East Prospect, Pennsylvania

  • Central Community Volunteer Fire Department – Weatherford, Texas

  • Oxford University Press – Oxford, United Kingdom

  • Columbia / Richland Fire Department – Columbia, South Carolina

  • Farmington Volunteer Fire Deptment – Farmington, connecticut

  • Kremmling Fire Protection District – Kremmling, Colorado

  • Montana City Volunteer Fire Department – Montana City, Montana

  • Fire Department of Montgomery Township – Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania

  • Mount Laurel Fire Department – Mount Laurel, New Jersey

  • Neptune Fire District #1 – Neptune, New Jersey

  • Pennsauken Fire Department – Pennsauken, New Jersey

  • Robbinsville Division of Fire – Robbinsville, New Jersey

  • Round Lake Volunteer Fire Department – Round Lake, New York

  • Scales Mound Fire Protection District – Scales Mound, Illinois

  • Seaside Heights Volunteer Fire Department – Seaside Heights, New Jersey

  • South Bay Fire Department – Cicero, New York

  • Susan Moore Fire & Rescue – Oneonta, Alabama

  • United Fire & Rescue District – Baldwin, Wisconsin

Take your “volunteer firefighters are needed” message to your community!

It is said that “the man who stands on the side of a mountain with his mouth wide open waiting for a roast duck to fly in, has a long wait”. This is true about recruiting new volunteer firefighters as well.

Most volunteer fire companies are in need of new members and don’t have the luxury of waiting around for new members to show up. They need to take their message to their community. I develop outreach media material “recruitment tools” to make “spreading the word” a little easier.

Not every fire company has the same community to recruit from, recruitment needs as well as financial & manpower resources.

There are many types of outreach materials that firefighters may use to communicate to their community.

firefighters needed volunteer firefighter recruitment campaign

Your Media Should Command Attention!

Clearly convey your message and why someone should become a volunteer firefighter!

Keep your message simple. You have a few seconds to catch your potential recruits attention!

Your text “copy” should be easy to read “less is more”!

Use bold colors and high quality professional photographs!

Short headlines are most powerful!

Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment Media Material


firefighters needed recruitment material volunteer firefighter brochuresI produce cost effective and creative tri-fold brochures for introducing your recruitment or fundraising needs. With brochures your message can be placed directly in the hands of prospective volunteer firefighter or funder. It’s sometimes very subtle elements in your recruitment material that can contribute to how a prospect feels about the opportunity to volunteer or donate.

Flyers & Posters

volunteer firefighter recruitment flyers A well-designed flyer is a great tool for recruiting. Use your flyers effectively by placing them at locations that will reach the right audience, at the right place to gain the maximum exposure for your fire company.

As posters are larger than flyers and can hold more information it is very important to place them in a locations where people wait and are sure to have the time to read your recruitment poster and write down the contact information.

Door Tags & Table Tents

firefighters needed volunteer firefighter recruitment door hangerDoor Tags/Hangers offer a very high impact & low cost way a getting your message right to your potential recruits front door. Combine your fire safety, fund raising and recruitment message all on one two-sided door hanger.

With table tents you can put them just about anywhere and get your recruitment message in front of a prospective volunteers. Place table tents in an easily accessible high-traffic areas to achieve maximum impact.